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WP58 - A Paul Beuscher Violin


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Product CodeWP58
Sound Clip

A photo of the label:

Paul Beuscher was a maker, but who also ran a violin shop in Paris, many of the instruments sold through his shop were labelled as his but often made for him by other makers. This Amati copy made in 1927 is in good sound condition, no repairs but with several marks and imperfections to the varnish, with an Amati label on the bass side and the Beuscher label on the treble side. The length of the back is 360 mm. Set up with ebony fittings and the original rosewood pegs, Dominant strings and supplied in a new lightweight case. For such a reasonably priced instrument this violin has a lovely open tone, with good balance and ample volume. A bit scruffy but sounds great!