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Returns Policy

Our Guarantee to You.

We will make a full refund of your payment to West Country Violins if any instrument or bow you have purchased from us does not match its physical description in these web pages, provided the item is returned within seven days of you receiving the instrument and in the condition in which it was despatched. Please note that this does not include varnish colour; whilst we photograph as accurately as possible, the way your monitor reproduces colour and hue is obviously beyond our control.

If you feel the instrument does not suit your requirements with regard to tone or playability, we will make a refund of your payment to West Country Violins less the true cost to us of all shipping of the item, provided the item is returned within two weeks of you receiving the instrument and in the condition in which it was despatched.

Important note for customers outside the U.K.!

In the unlikely event that you need to return a violin or bow please contact us for return instructions before returning the item. We are unable to accept items returned without first contacting us.

If you visit in person to try violins or bows, you are welcome to spend as many hours as you wish to make your choice. If you decide a few days later that you have not made the right choice, we will not be able to give you a refund but you are welcome to exchange the violin or bow for another of similar value.