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New Inventory

Violins  acquired recently but not yet on the website include, three Collin-Mezin Fils  violins, two lovely Georges Apparut, violins by Amédée Dieudonné and others. 

Added to stock we also have two violins by Albert Deblaye, a fabulous JTL Lorenzi and other very good value and great sounding violins.

Many fine bows by, Clasquin, Joseph Voirin,  Ouchard Père and a collaboration bow between Ouchard Père and Auguste Ouchard,  several C.N.Bazin bows, some in silver, Lapierre, an excellent silver J.Thibouville-Lamy, a silver Piernot, a Lamy nephew, a very nice Maline, a silver Louis Bazin, a silver Laberte and others!